Cat. lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Supp. 1 442 d. Mesothen flavicostata. (Plate VII. fig. 19.) Mesothen flavicostata, Druce, A. M. N. H. (7) xviii. p. 77 (1906). Head, thorax, and abdomen orange; palpi and antenna black, the latter with the shaft white towards tips ; vertex of head with black point; shoulders, pro- and metathorax with black spots, the patagia with short black stripes; fore cox in front, the extremity of femora, and the tibiz and tarsi above black, extremities of mid femora and the base and extremity of tibie and tarsi black ; hind legs with the extremity of femora and base of tibie black ; Abdonen with dorsal and lateral series of black spots, the ventral valve with black spot at extremity and line beyond it, the end of abdomen blue-black. Fore wing hyaline, the veins and margins black ; an orange streak yelleponee to well beyond middle and some orange at base ; a slight black discoidal lunule; the terminal band “expanding ‘widely on apical area and slightly at tornus. Hind wing hyaline, the veins and margins black; the inner area black with a slight hyaline streak; the terminal line expanding into a patch on apical area. AZ NOTE: Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. uses a non-standard definition of "tegulae" and "patagia". From Vol. 1: "The thorax consists of three segments-the prothorax, bearing the tegulm or collar-lappets, the patagia or shoulder-lappets, and the fore legs ..."